This week I completed a nice little project to help my colleagues at Supply Chain. From one of our customers we receive EDI DelFor (=Delivery Forecast) and InvRpt (=Inventory Report) messages. These message are now picked up with Orbis BPA to add the data to database table. I created a dashboard to visualize and combine the data of the two reports to show a line for the stock level and of the forecast. Where the lines meet, the stock is no longer high enough to be able to fulfill al the needs. That is the moment where new goods need to be delivered at this VMI Warehouse (= Vendor Managed Inventory) to make sure the demanded 98% KPI is met.

For the SupplyCahin group it is now only a matter of reading the figures and creat the needed purchase order instead of searching through several websites for quantities and calculated the need.
Nice to see some smiles on that department…

#EDI = Eloi Does Intergrations
#Orbis = a BPA platform
#Sumatra = a real-time dashboard